Technology Recycling in London

Technology is advancing at a phenomenal rate and everyday it seems that there’s a new technological masterpiece on the market. Therefore it’s no surprise that businesses and individuals are building up sizeable collections of computers and other IT equipment that eventually gets pushed to the back of the cupboard to make room for the latest model of machine. Does this sound familiar? Then why not clear some space in your home or office by using Tech-Recycle? The Tech-Recycle team will visit your home or business premises and collect redundant IT equipment before refurbishing and redeploying it to those who can’t afford to buy new.

A 100% Free Service

The best thing about Tech-Recycle’s service is that it is 100% free. So if you’ve been deterred from getting rid of your old IT equipment because you thought you’d end up paying over the odds for its disposal, you can relax in the knowledge that Tech-Recycle won’t charge you a thing. The company has a built a robust client base throughout London, Surrey, Hampshire, Guildford, Southampton, Woking and Reading and looks forwards to this expanding even further in the future. To learn more about Tech-Recycle visit the website.

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