
Put simply, Tech Recycle collect redundant and end of life IT and electrical equipment from companies of all sizes, then refurbish the equipment and redeploy the equipment to companies, charities, start-ups and families that don’t have the budget to buy new equipment. This service is completely free.

We destroy all data passed to us safely and securely. The destruction process meets or exceeds many internationally recognised standards including the UK’s CESG’s IS 5 and US Army AR380-19 DoD 5220.22 M.

Any equipment we are unable to refurbish is broken down and ethically recycled. We don’t allow anything to go to landfill, and don’t export anything outside the UK.

We can arrange a free collection from anywhere in the UK. If you would like to arrange a collection now please fill the from below, or email with a list of the items you would like recycled and your full contact details.

If you would like more information on what and how we recycle including details of our data destruction process plus copies of our certifications please click here: Tech Recycle pdf pack (.zip file)

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