News from Tech Recycle

We recently asked all our customers for feedback on our service – many thanks to all of you who responded, you can see some of your comments on our testimonials page.

We have made a number of changes as a direct result of your responses, so want to let you know about some of the changes we’ve made, and explain why we made them.


10 item minimum:

We introduced a 10 item minimum at the beginning of this year, and while we recognize that some of our smaller customers may struggle to reach the minimum; rising costs of fuel, wages and overheads meant it simply wasn’t economically viable to collect less than ten items from a single point and continue to offer a free service. If you have less than ten items you are welcome to bring them to us or for a single charge of £40 we will collect from you.


Certificate of data Destruction:

We have introduced a new process to generate Cod’s once your data has been destroyed. This means you will normally receive your CoD within ten days of your collection.


Duty of Care (Controlled waste) notice

We have changed our duty of care notices to make it easier for you to see what you have passed to us – this is especially relevant for our ISO 14001 customers, but will benefit all our customers.


Vehicle Tracking:

We have implemented a new tracking system to all of our vehicles, so we know exactly your equipment is at all times – this also means we can more accurately predict when our vehicles will get to you, furthermore our fleet is currently being equipped with cameras for additional security



We were recently invited to join ORB, the Organisation for Responsible Businesses, an organisation for businesses that actively apply social and environmental considerations in their day-to-day operations, and operates efficiently and ethically; meets and exceeds legislation; and always considers its impact on people (our workforce, the community and society at large) and the environment.


Charges for CRT monitors and TVs:

CRT monitors are expensive to dispose of in an environmentally friendly way. We have a zero export and zero landfill policy so we had to find a workable solution.

We work with the first company in the world to have a genuine sustainable solution for CRT recycling. Our innovative CRT recycling furnace can extract lead from up to 10 tonnes of funnel glass per day, that’s the glass from approximately 60 tonnes of televisions!

The process has no emissions, creates no waste and avoids export of hazardous material from the UK. This unique CRT recycling furnace allows us to remove approximately 1kg of lead per screen in a safe and environmentally sustainable way and create added value products from the remaining molten glass.

This process is expensive therefore we have had to introduce charges for CRT monitor and TV recycling.

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